Well its fall, and with all the abundance God has given us its also the time to settle in and gather together to learn and grow and what better way then to join a small group gathering...
What does that look like you ask.....????
This gathering small group is a 12 week committment and what better way than to break up the middle of the week by meeting on Wednesday Evenings studying God's word. Starting on October 28th and ending after the holidays. We will meet at Rev Stephs home wednesday evenings from 6pm to 8pm.
My name is Linda Shields and I am not new to RMCC. Many of you remember me from years past when I was a member here and then moved to New York for 2yrs . During that time I was involved with the Open Arms MCC and I have a passion for the MCC Churches as well as all Gods Children and I believe this 12 week series will bring us closer as a community and a church.
The book is called "One Anothering" by Richard C Meyer and i have actually been a facilitor for a group in my home in New York so I am very familiar with this study and have seen the positive things it can do.
Basically it walks us through a series of Fellowship, Love, Pray, Care, Bear Burdens, Encourage, Submit to One Another according to Gods word it is a tool to bring us closer together as we study the word of God. This will be volume 1 of the series.
So lets begin this journey together, if you have any questions or need more information please call me at 616-307-4503 Verizon Phone. You may also find more information by going to Amazon.com and searching for "One Anothering" by Richard C. Meyer. (Remember it is volume 1)
Gods Blessing
Linda Shields