We have found a cool way to raise money for RMCC, every time you shop online or search the web, and would like you check it out:
http://www.iGive.com & http://www.iSearchiGive.com
We are using iGive.com to raise money for Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church, every time you shop online at any of their 783 participating stores. And when you search the web through iSearchiGive.com we can raise a penny or more for RMCC every time.
If you do happen to make a purchase through iGive within 45 days of joining, they'll donate an EXTRA $5 to your favorite cause! With 783 stores in the iGive Mall and the new iSearchiGive.com search engine, it's easy to find the things you need AND raise money for a good cause.
1. Join iGive.com to support Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church. It's free, safe, and easy to join. Use this link:
Don't feel like registering? Take iSearchiGive.com out for a spin and raise a penny (or more!) per search. Just visit http://www.iSearchiGive.com and type "Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church" in the "Select Your Cause" area.
2. Shop through iGive.com online mall
~ OR ~
Raise a penny search at iSearchiGive.com
The iGive Mall features over 700 trusted online retailers like Amazon.com, Staples, Nordstrom, JCPenney, eBay, Expedia.com, Barnes & Noble, QVC, & PETsMART to name just a few! You'll NEVER pay more when you reach these stores through iGive.com. And if you take advantage of the coupons and free shipping deals posted at iGive, you might even save a few bucks! And with iSearchiGive.com, each qualified search earns a penny (or more!) for your cause.
3. Won’t you help RMCC by doing what you already do – shop? You are shopping and helping RMCC at the same time. It costs you nothing more. Up to 26% of EACH purchase through iGive benefits RMCC, along with a penny (or more!) per qualified search at iSearchiGive.com. Make that first purchase within 45 days and get a bonus $5 donation, too!
Use this link to JOIN iGIVE FOR FREE and begin supporting
Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church:
Don't feel like registering? Take iSearchiGive.com out for a spin and raise a penny (or more!) per search. Just visit http://www.iSearchiGive.com and type "Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church" in the "Select Your Cause" area.
I hope to see you at iGive.com soon!
- Rev. Steph

iGive Fundraiser