Roxy has a tumor, hopefully benign, on the back of her head, Will be having a CT scan soon. She asks prayers for herself and for her friends and family, as well.
I ask prayers for Donna and her broken foot, which gives her a lot of pain, for healing of the foot, and for patience through the healingprocesses for the both of us.
Thank you,

All fishing license fees will be waived for two days. Residents and outstate visitors may enjoy fishing on both inland and Great Lakes' waters for all species of fish. All fishing regulations will still apply.
All are invited to join in a fun filled fellowship day of fishing at Betty and Dana's cottage. A hotdog lunch will be provided at 12 noon. Potluck dinner begins at 6:00 PM. Bring your own non-alcoholic drinks.
For more information contact Betty email or call 616-891-1937

Gleaned from an article
by Rob Blezard
Stewardship of Life Institute
"Do not be afraid," Jesus tells us this over and over. Not only does Jesus tell us not to fear, but angels do too. Why do God and God's messengers continually have to reassure us people? It's because following Jesus and walking a path of discipleship occasionally gets scary. God pushes us out of our comfort zones, asking us to do new tasks, to see new things and - most scary of all - to look inside ourselves, change our ways of life and change our hearts.
Fear keeps many of us from growing as disciples of Christ. If we let fear dictate our lives, we'd probably never read a lesson in front of the congregation, never visit a severely injured church member, never stand up against injustice, never reach out to the suffering. All these things can be scary at first.
In the same way, fear is a key barrier to generous financial giving. We fear we won't have enough if we give generously. We fear God won't provide enough for all our wants and needs.
Fear is a normal part of our faith life. It helps us move beyond our perceived limits. We grow best by facing fear - and then moving beyond it. When fear paralyzes us, we stay where we are and do not grow.
If we want to learn to give generously, we need to serve in situations where we experience a little fear, someplace outside of our comfort zone. As we learn to trust God in small situations, we will trust God with our finances, too.
Let us hear the words of Jesus reassuring us: "Do not be afraid."
On May 10, 2012 the Bradely family life took an unexpected turn. Their oldest son Colin was having a great week with a Lacrosse game win on Tuesday and band concert on Wednesday. On Wednesday afternoon Martie took Colin to the doctor to follow up on his headaches and stomachaches. He had some basic blood tests.
Their doctor called early the next morning and told them to go to Helen DeVos Children's Hospital. Colin was diagnosed with leukemia and admitted to the Oncology Unit. It was a total surprise to the entire family as well as the family of RMCC.
The Bradely family is hopeful, and appreciate of your thoughts and prayers in supporting Colin through this new adventure of being a cancer patient. The type of leukemia Colin has is very treatable and curable, but he will be going through chemotherapy and all that it entails. His first week was intensive treatment at the hospital. The next four months will be outpatient treatment. He will remain under care for the next three years to make sure the cancer cells do not return.
Colin is in good spirits and handling this admirably so far. He's been a trooper. The doctors are very confident that he will have a full recovery at the end of treatment.
Many freinds and members of RMCC have asked what we can to support and encourage the Bradley family on this journey.
The family has signed up for "Take Them a Meal". This gives us the opportunity to show God's love by helping provide a meal for those times in life when filling their table will warm their hearts.
If interested, please contact Pastor Steph
Click here to read the official Headline News of Metropolitan Community Churches.
Sunday School: We are looking for dedicated individuals to teach and share with our children in Sunday school using our easy to use Sunday School Curriculum. Children's Sunday school meets weekly with the exception of the first Sundays of each month when children, teachers and assistants are encouraged to worship with their families.
Classroom Assistants for Sunday School are also needed to serve as support for teachers and a loving presence for children.
Consider teaching Sunday school, or being a classroom assistant. In whatever way you are called to serve, please prayerfully consider sharing your time and talents with the amazing children of RMCC. Contact Janet Beck for more information.
PRIDE (June 16, 2012): We are excited about the upcoming 2012 West Michigan PRIDE Celebration. Help is needed is needed in setting up and taking down of our booth as well as staffing our booth. What a great opportunity to reach others in spreading God's joy and love. Contact Nathan Bauer, Dana McCoy, or Pastor Steph for more information.
Lawn Ranger: Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Lawn Ranger team, please contact Cindy George. We have a riding mower that makes this ministry much easier.
If have an article you would like to submit to the newsletter please contact Pastor Steph
Bible Study NEW LOCATION - May 23, 2012 at 6:30-8:30 PM
Pastors Spring Vacation: May 27, 2012-Jun 1, 2012
Fishing Fellowship: June 9, 2012
If you are interested in becoming a member of RMCC, please contactPastor Steph.
Bible Study NEW LOCATION - May 23, 2012 at 6:30-8:30 PM
3035 Kalamazoo Ave SE, Grand Rapids MI 49508
Worship - May 27, 2012 at 10AM Pastors Spring Vacation: May 27, 2012-Jun 1, 2012
Fishing Fellowship: June 9, 2012
If you are interested in becoming a member of RMCC, please contactPastor Steph.