On October 15th and 16th friends and members of Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church (RMCC) will gather for a retreat at Camp O’Malley located at 360 Thornapple Dales Dr Se, Alto, MI 49302 beginning Friday at 5:00 pm and ending Saturday at 5:00 pm.
Retreat is a word used in many ways this day and time. The word can be used to speak of retreating from battle, retreating from the enemy, but also in the business world the word has entered the vernacular for another way of planning meetings and/or looking at problem solving in a different way. The purpose of this retreat is to kick off our vision and mission statement planning.
There will be a time of worship, a time of play, a time of fellowship, a time of reviewing RMCC’s history and perhaps a surprise or two thrown in for good measure. Overall this is a celebration as we officially begin our vision and statement planning process.
I’ve been asked “what is a vision and mission statement”?
Simply put, vision is all about what is possible, all about that potential. The mission is what it takes to make that vision come true.
A vision statement focuses on the future we want to create for the community we wish to impact. In other words, if we are called to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations” the vision statement ought to be about the communities in which we live and serve and not entirely focused on ourselves. We can only create significant improvement in our communities if our vision is about exactly that - the difference we want to make in the communities in which we serve.
A mission statement is like the missionary. In other words, our Mission Statement will turn our vision into practice. The Mission Statement is the one that will actually do the work. Consider the phrase "mission accomplished" - the work is done. Consider the phrase "mission impossible" - the job cannot be done. And we know the work can be done for “all things are possible through Christ who strengthens us!” The mission is the doing part - it is what we will do to bring that vision to reality.
These are exciting times for RMCC as we prepare ourselves for the future and how we can best be the hands, heart, feet and soul of Jesus in this world.
Join us for this retreat at Camp Omalleys on October 15th and 16th as we kick off our vision and mission planning. The cost is $25 per person. This includes food, a place to sleep, and a wonderful opportunity to fellowship with each other.
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