First Monday of Advent
Grab your bible and read: Micah 4:1-5
Micahʼs vision of Godʼs reign is one of peace and prosperity, with worship at its heart. This aligns very closely with the vision that Jesus gives in his teaching and in his actions. It offers an encouraging message for us - when God comes, the motive is not to destroy, judge or conquer like a military dictator. Rather God seeks to restore and to reconcile.
As always, the challenge of these visions is that we can begin to experience and live out the values of Godʼs reign in our own lives right now. So, take a moment to consider Micahʼs vision again, but this time, ask yourself how you can begin to embody this vision for yourself this Advent season.
In what ways can you make your worship - the "mountain of Godʼs temple" - the most important place in your life, and how can it be something that attracts other people to God?
How can your life be used by God to bring mediation between those who are in dispute, or to reconcile those who are in conflict? How can you contribute to peace and prosperity in your community?
These may sound like big expectations that God has for us, but small actions that respond to these promptings can have a significant impact, if we will just commit to living out our faith and hope daily.
God of peace and justice,
May my worship of you give me a clearer vision of your reign. May my love for you be expressed not just in songs and prayers, but in working for peace and reconciliation, and for prosperity and security, for those with whom I live and work and play. In Jesusʼ name. Amen.
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