Peace and Light,
Kim and Linda
Update on Alma, provided by her daughter on Jun 3, 2012:
She is doing pretty good today has sat up in chair all day and went for a walk. Feeling good hoping she gets better soon "she wants taco's". She sees the doctor everyday. Her surgical site is looking great and hopes to be out of hospital end of week or next week. No word on mass as of yet. Pray it's not cancer.
Keep prayers going for speedy recovery.
Love Annie (daughter)

All fishing license fees will be waived for two days. Residents and outstate visitors may enjoy fishing on both inland and Great Lakes' waters for all species of fish. All fishing regulations will still apply.
All are invited to join in a fun filled fellowship day of fishing at Betty and Dana's cottage. A hotdog lunch will be provided at 12 noon. Potluck dinner begins at 6:00 PM. Bring your own non-alcoholic drinks.
For more information contact Betty email

Stewardship of Life Institute
A story is told of a man who went out each day to his backyard and uncovered his money which was buried in the ground. He would then put it back i the ground and cover it up again. To his shock one day, he dug up the ground only to discover that his money was gone! He began to cry out in dismay. His neighbor heard his cry and came to his aid right away. Upon discovering his plight, the neighbor dropped his head, walked away and said, "What's all the fuss about, you were not using the money for any good anyway. Maybe whoever took it will use it for some good!"
In Jesus' parable about money, he does not say that money is a bad thing. He is not telling us we will be happy if we are poor and sad if we are rich. Nor is telling us that it is wrong to be rich and right to be poor. Rather, he is saying that if we have money, but something that matters, do something good with your money. " up for yourselves treasure in heaven where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal." (Matthew 6.20) Otherwise, we may wake up one day with a life full of money but empty of value.
Did you know that RMCC is an Amazon Associate?
When you shop at, start by clicking on the link you'll find
on this blog. When you do that, RMCC receives up
to 15% of the total amount of your order.
Qualifying items include books, CDs, DVDs, computers, consumer electronics, MP3 and e-book downloads, pet supplies, items sold and fulfilled by third-party vendors and many more. Just make sure you arrive at by clicking on our link, or else we won't get credit for the order.
Even if you click on our link to Amazon early in the day but don't
complete your order, and then go directly to Amazon later in the day
to complete the order, we won't get credit for it. So please, get in the habit of going to Amazon by scrolling down on the right side of our blog and use the Amazon fundraiser search.
I am willing to do work for members of the congregation in exchange for financial help.
Please contact me via email by clicking here
Thank you,
Drew Esterline
Sunday School: We are looking for dedicated individuals to teach and share with our children in Sunday school using our easy to use Sunday School Curriculum. Children's Sunday school meets weekly with the exception of the first Sundays of each month when children, teachers and assistants are encouraged to worship with their families.
Classroom Assistants for Sunday School are also needed to serve as support for teachers and a loving presence for children.
Consider teaching Sunday school, or being a classroom assistant. In whatever way you are called to serve, please prayerfully consider sharing your time and talents with the amazing children of RMCC. Contact Janet Beck for more information.
PRIDE (June 16, 2012): We are excited about the upcoming 2012 West Michigan PRIDE Celebration. Help is needed is needed in setting up and taking down of our booth as well as staffing our booth. What a great opportunity to reach others in spreading God's joy and love. Contact Nathan Bauer, Dana McCoy, or Pastor Steph for more information.
Lawn Ranger: Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Lawn Ranger team, please contact Cindy George. We have a riding mower that makes this ministry much easier.
If have an article you would like to submit to the newsletter please contact Pastor Steph
Bible Study NEW LOCATION -
Worship - June 10, 2012 at 10AM
PRIDE - June 16, 2012
If you are interested in becoming a member of RMCC, please contact Pastor Steph.
Bible Study NEW LOCATION -
June 6, 2012 from 6:30-8:30 PM
3035 Kalamazoo Ave SE, Grand Rapids MI 49508
Fishing Fellowship: June 9, 2012Worship - June 10, 2012 at 10AM
PRIDE - June 16, 2012
If you are interested in becoming a member of RMCC, please contact Pastor Steph.
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