- Saturday, August 7: Church Fellowship Picnic from 2:00 until 7:00 PM. Bring your own towel, bathing suit, non-alcoholic beverages, and a dish to pass. Hamburgers and Brats will be provided. 1815 Ball Ave NE (between Knapp & Leonard) in Grand Rapids. Sign up sheet can be found in the fellowship hall.
- Friday and Saturday, August 20th and 21st: MCC Summit at Detroit MCC.
The key goals of this summit are to:
Provide a broad education about the impact and implications of a church's size
Conduct an assessment for each church that registers (this will happen in advance of the Summit) and provide each church with individual feedback about the results along with recommendations
Provide time and guidance for the representatives of each church to develop an action plan toward growth and re-organization.
Registration is free.
If you are unable to attend, I hope you have taken the survey found at the following link: MCC Congregational Survey.
Anyone who has ever attended RMCC, from first time visitors, to regular attendees and members are encouraged to take them in order to help MCC elders better form suggestions and a draft for our growing church.
- The Building and Grounds Ministry Team is looking for assistance in maintaining the grounds of RMCC. If you can help in any small way from trimming the bushes, to mow only the front or the back lawn, please contact Cindy.
- Pastor's Day off is Monday of each week. Please contact Dana McCoy with any church business or emergencies on Mondays.