Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church no longer meets. For more information on Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches, visit www.mccchurch.org.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Dec 26, 2010 Sermon

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Dec 19, 2010 Sermon

Special Music by C.J. singing "Breath of Heaven"
Dec 19, 2010 Sermon
Friday, December 17, 2010
Christmas Eve Service

The entire Christmas Eve offering is given to assist people in need through Heifer International.
Christmas Eve Service
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Dec 17, 2010 Game Night Cancelled
Friday Dec 17, 2010 game night is cancelled giving everyone the opportunity to enjoy the spirit of the holiday, finish your Christmas shopping, and spend time with family and friends.
Game nights will resume on the third Friday of the month beginning January 21, 2011.
Dec 17, 2010 Game Night Cancelled
Monday, December 13, 2010
Dec 12, 2010 Sermon

Sermon based on the Revised Common Lectionary Advent 3A - Matthew 11.2-11 at Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church, Grand Rapids MI by Rev. Steph Maxson, Pastor
Dec 12, 2010 Sermon
Monday, December 6, 2010
Dec 5, 2010 Sermon

Sermon based on the Revised Common Lectionary Advent 2A - Matthew 3.1-12 at Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church, Grand Rapids MI by Rev. Steph Maxson, Pastor
Dec 5, 2010 Sermon
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Nov 28, 2010 Sermon

Special Music provided by C.J. singing "I Will Lift My Eyes"
Nov 28, 2010 Sermon
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Capital Campaign Update

With the theme “Church on the Move” this capital campaign will help build a fellowship hall serving as a mission outpost in order for us to continue being the hands, heart, feet and soul of God’s love within our community and beyond.
Thank you for your generous support.
May God's blessings continue to rain down upon you.
~ Reconciliation MCC Board of Directors
Capital Campaign Update
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Vision Planning Session / Part 2

During our retreat in October all that were present were asked to form think tanks. In these think tanks each group was asked, where do you see RMCC going and how do you think we will get there?
The purpose was to come together to dream dreams, to think about future plans for the church, and to imagine where you wanted to see RMCC in five, ten perhaps even twenty years in the future.
This Sunday at 12:30 you are invited to participate in the next step of forming our vision statement.
We will group like ideas together – pick out important points – list some positive words – Then we will break down into small groups, select important words and combine them into one sentence. This will more than likely be the beginning of our vision statement.
Hope to see you there!
Vision Planning Session / Part 2
Monday, November 22, 2010
Nov. 21, 2010 Sermon

Sermon based on the Colossians 1:11-20 at Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church, Grand Rapids MI by Rev. Steph Maxson, Pastor
Nov. 21, 2010 Sermon
Monday, November 15, 2010
New Bible Studies at RMCC!
Advent (from the Latin word adventus meaning "coming") is a season observed in many Western Christian churches, a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. It is the beginning of the Western liturgical year and commences on Advent Sunday, November 28, 2010.
Along with the new church year, RMCC will be holding new bible studies to walk through this 4 week season of Advent.
The first one will kick off our Adult Bible Study led by Karen Tompkins.
Evening bible study groups led by Pastor Steph will be held on:
The Tuesday and Wednesday night groups will journey through Advent with the book “The Shepherds Prayer”: A Christmas Novel by Richard M. Barry. If you purchase this book through Amazon.com, please remember to search for it on our blog as this is a continuous fundraiser for RMCC and we could receive up to 15% for every order placed.
All are welcome and invited to attend any group or a combination of Sunday and evening studies.

New Bible Studies at RMCC!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Nov 14, 2010 Sermon

Nov 14, 2010 Sermon
Monday, November 8, 2010
Nov 7, 2010 Sermon

Nov 7, 2010 Sermon
Monday, October 18, 2010
Oct 17, 2010 Sermon

Oct 17, 2010 Sermon
Friday, October 15, 2010
RMCC Vision/Mission Retreat Kickoff

7360 Thornapple Dales Rd. Alto MI.
Folks will start arriving around 5:00 PM
RMCC Vision/Mission Retreat Kickoff
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Day 4: Preparing for Vision/Mission Kickoff Retreat
On Monday everyone was asked to light a candle and pray.
Tuesday we were asked to take time out to remember where RMCC has been. Remember the leaders and pastors that have come and gone before us. Remember the ministry we have done and what we are currently doing Take time out to give thanks to fellow servants.
Wednesday we were asked to participate in a prayer walk where we took time to walk around the church or sit in the church sanctuary lifting up RMCC, praying that God will guide us and direct us as we continue to listen to the small still voice of the great I AM and where he is calling RMCC to be.
Today - Join us for a discussion between 7 and 8 PM to share in thoughts or prayers on RMCC’s blog at: http://www.reconciliationmccgrandrapidsmichigan.blogspot.com/
This discussion is a place for you to ask questions and to share your excitement, prayers, and dreams.
What is on your mind?
Day 4: Preparing for Vision/Mission Kickoff Retreat
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Day 3: Preparing for Vision/Mission Kickoff Retreat

Joshua 6.15-16: On the seventh day, they got up at sunrise. They marched around the city, just as they had done before. But on that day they went around it seven times. On the seventh time around, the priests blew a long blast on the trumpets. Then Joshua gave a command to the men. He said, “Shout! The Lord has given you the city!
God has a mission for RMCC in the Grand Rapids area. Join us on Wed as we participate in a prayer walk Wednesday, October 13, 2010 from 7:00PM - 8:00PM around the church. During this time we will lift up RMCC, pray that God will guide us and direct us as we continue to listen to the small still voice of the great I AM and where he is calling RMCC to be. If you are not able to walk, join others to sit in the sanctuary in prayer.
Day 3: Preparing for Vision/Mission Kickoff Retreat
Monday, October 11, 2010
Day 2: Preparing for vision and mission kickoff retreat
Take time out to remember where RMCC has been. Remember the leaders and pastors that have come and gone before us. Remember the ministry we have done and what we are currently doing Take time out to give thanks to fellow servants.
Day 2: Preparing for vision and mission kickoff retreat
Preparing for vision and mission kickoff retreat

In preparation for our vision and mission kickoff retreat this weekend we will have events every day of the week to help prepare us body, mind, and soul.
Today’s event is as follows:
Prayer is powerful. Vision is energizing. Combining the two enables us - the church - to undergo a spiritual pilgrimage into the future that God is calling us to. Would please light a candle in your home today and pray for God to clarify His vision for RMCC and our ministry.Preparing for vision and mission kickoff retreat
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Oct 10, 2010 Sermon
Sermon based on the Revised Common Lectionary - Proper 22C, Luke 17.5-10 at Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church, Grand Rapids MI by Rev. Steph Maxson, Pastor
Oct 10, 2010 Sermon
Friday, October 8, 2010
Fall Clean Up Day

Aaaah, autumn. The kids are back in school, the leaves are turning, and a chill is in the morning air. Are the holidays really just around the corner? Fall offers an opportunity to spruce up our church inside and out.
Old Man Winter may be on his way, and with a little work now, we can ready our church home for a new season.
On Sunday, October 24, 2010 you are encouraged to bring or wear your work clothes to worship then join us afterwards to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to clean our church home inside and out.
Fall Clean Up Day
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Oct 3, 2010 Sermon

Oct 3, 2010 Sermon
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sept 24, 2010 Sermon

Sept 24, 2010 Sermon
Thursday, September 23, 2010
30 Minutes or Less

Your schedule is hectic and unpredictable. You'd like to be able to help but, you can't commit to being available at any particular time each week.
For as little as 30 minutes on an “as needed” basis you can make a difference by preparing meals for members and friends of Reconciliation MCC who have experienced a hospital stay, are home recovering from surgery, or extended illness.
At Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church we believe love is an action and that God’s love – God’s actions are shown through us. We have a wonderful opportunity to show this kind of love as soon a member of our congregation will be released from the hospital and sent home to recover from back surgery.
Do you have 30 minutes? If so, please contact Rev. Steph at RevStephMaxson@aol.com
Great opportunities to help seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.
Today you may be the person with the ability to help, but tomorrow you may be the recipient of someone else's volunteer effort.
30 Minutes or Less
Monday, September 20, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Why a Retreat?

On October 15th and 16th friends and members of Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church (RMCC) will gather for a retreat at Camp O’Malley located at 360 Thornapple Dales Dr Se, Alto, MI 49302 beginning Friday at 5:00 pm and ending Saturday at 5:00 pm.
Retreat is a word used in many ways this day and time. The word can be used to speak of retreating from battle, retreating from the enemy, but also in the business world the word has entered the vernacular for another way of planning meetings and/or looking at problem solving in a different way. The purpose of this retreat is to kick off our vision and mission statement planning.
There will be a time of worship, a time of play, a time of fellowship, a time of reviewing RMCC’s history and perhaps a surprise or two thrown in for good measure. Overall this is a celebration as we officially begin our vision and statement planning process.
I’ve been asked “what is a vision and mission statement”?
Simply put, vision is all about what is possible, all about that potential. The mission is what it takes to make that vision come true.
A vision statement focuses on the future we want to create for the community we wish to impact. In other words, if we are called to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations” the vision statement ought to be about the communities in which we live and serve and not entirely focused on ourselves. We can only create significant improvement in our communities if our vision is about exactly that - the difference we want to make in the communities in which we serve.
A mission statement is like the missionary. In other words, our Mission Statement will turn our vision into practice. The Mission Statement is the one that will actually do the work. Consider the phrase "mission accomplished" - the work is done. Consider the phrase "mission impossible" - the job cannot be done. And we know the work can be done for “all things are possible through Christ who strengthens us!” The mission is the doing part - it is what we will do to bring that vision to reality.
These are exciting times for RMCC as we prepare ourselves for the future and how we can best be the hands, heart, feet and soul of Jesus in this world.
Join us for this retreat at Camp Omalleys on October 15th and 16th as we kick off our vision and mission planning. The cost is $25 per person. This includes food, a place to sleep, and a wonderful opportunity to fellowship with each other.
Why a Retreat?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Take a Bite Out of Grime

You probably haven’t given much thought to how or when RMCC gets cleaned. Likely a cleaning service working during off hours like most businesses in Grand Rapids, right?
Truth is we have a group of folks that take a bite out of the grime and sometimes that group is just one person.
This dedicated group of folk prepares the church building for Sunday Worship Services, funerals, weddings and special events. The frequency of assignment depends on the number of volunteers on the Team.
This is an awesome team with great fellowship, while offering the opportunity to get involved.
Contact Kim S. at: damenotre2222@yahoo.com to join this group and take a bite out of grime.
Take a Bite Out of Grime
Volunteer in Your Pajamas
As a pajama clad volunteer you will be helping Reconciliation MCC from the comfort of your own home. Just a few hours per month are needed in RMCC’s communications ministry.
If you have a home computer and are familiar with social networking web applications such as facebook, web blogging, or Microsoft Office 2003 or higher you can help communicate the Good News of the Gospel and RMCC with a positive image – all in your favorite pair of pajamas!
The communications ministry is more than using the internet. You could create and maintain a list of folks that would like to stay in touch with each other. You could send cards to those that are sick, or haven’t attended worship in a while, you could create a quarterly newsletter, maybe you have an idea not listed here.
To join the Pajama Clad Ministry contact me at: RevStephMaxson@aol.com or call the church at 616-364-7633
Volunteer in Your Pajamas
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Community Meal

Bring your favorite dish, appetizer, main dish or casserole and join RMCC family and friends for fellowship and sharing of a community meal following worship on Sunday, September 19, 2010.
Community Meal
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Sept 12, 2010 Sermon

Sept 12, 2010 Sermon
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
September 5, 2010 Sermon

September 5, 2010 Sermon
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
MCC Church Size Summit Reflection

The Church Size-Summit was such a blessing! It was exciting to learn about church size theory, and then apply what we learned to
It was also insightful to be made aware of church behaviors and attitudes that either help or deter a church from growing. We were encouraged to look at every aspect of our worship service and fellowship time through the lenses of a first time visitor. We were also challenged to redirect our focus from “What did I get out of _(fill in the blank) _?” to “How awesome that someone was blessed by that!”
Let’s overcome our fear of trying something new and instead, embrace the changes that will facilitate our growth. There are so many people outside of our walls that don’t yet know that God adores them just as they are. The Gospel truly is good news worth sharing.
~ Janet Beck
MCC Church Size Summit Reflection
Friday, September 3, 2010
Hot Dog Sunday

Hot Dog Sunday
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Rev Delores Berry in Concert at RMCC!

Rev Delores Berry in Concert at RMCC!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Capital Campaign Update

This could take a couple of minutes to view and/or download depending on your connection speed.
Many of us have benefited from our association with Reconciliation MCC and by supporting the capital campaign we have the opportunity to give something back.
Thank you for your generous support.
May God's blessings continue to rain down upon you.
~ Reconciliation MCC Board of Directors
Capital Campaign Update
Aug 29, 2010 Sermon
Sermon based on the Revised Common Lectionary - Proper C17, Luke 14:1, 7-14 at Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church, Grand Rapids MI by Rev. Steph Maxson, Pastor
Aug 29, 2010 Sermon
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Capital Campaign

Dear Friends,
After careful planning and prayer, Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church (RMCC) has started a Capital Improvement Campaign to address the needs facing our maturing church building. At a minimum, our goal is to obtain the resources needed to rebuild the foundation to our building.
Our building foundation is sagging. Thus when it rains it pours not only outside, but also inside. Countless people have spent many hours quietly mopping up the water (which I am extremely grateful) and much water damage has been done to the furnishings and our fellowship hall which is housed in our basement.
The funding needs are based upon a reasonable estimation of costs for the identified improvement.
RMCC’s leadership has carefully considered how to best finance the Capital Improvements Campaign needed to rebuild our foundation. While we currently own our church building, yet we are unable to finance the funds required. We also believe it is unlikely that sufficient funds will be available for this need through our normal offerings and tithes.
Our Capital Campaign officially kicked off on August 15, 2010. The goal of this campaign will be to raise $25,000 (USD) through the purchases of bricks to be displayed on the inside of our new wall upon completion.
We are asking you to prayerfully consider purchasing a brick to help us with this goal. The funds received will be held in a separate account and used solely for capital improvements to our church building.
For almost 30 years, Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church has been a home “for all God’s children” to experience inspiring messages, friendly people, bible studies, community work, and a joyful atmosphere in celebration and service to our Lord. Let’s make the next chapter in the life of RMCC be a vibrant and meaningful “home for all God’s children.” Your pledge is critical to this effort.
You may click on the link below to download the order form.
Thank you for your consideration of supporting the mission and ministry of Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church.
Rev. Steph
Capital Campaign