Dear Friends,
After careful planning and prayer, Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church (RMCC) has started a Capital Improvement Campaign to address the needs facing our maturing church building. At a minimum, our goal is to obtain the resources needed to rebuild the foundation to our building.
Our building foundation is sagging. Thus when it rains it pours not only outside, but also inside. Countless people have spent many hours quietly mopping up the water (which I am extremely grateful) and much water damage has been done to the furnishings and our fellowship hall which is housed in our basement.
The funding needs are based upon a reasonable estimation of costs for the identified improvement.
RMCC’s leadership has carefully considered how to best finance the Capital Improvements Campaign needed to rebuild our foundation. While we currently own our church building, yet we are unable to finance the funds required. We also believe it is unlikely that sufficient funds will be available for this need through our normal offerings and tithes.
Our Capital Campaign officially kicked off on August 15, 2010. The goal of this campaign will be to raise $25,000 (USD) through the purchases of bricks to be displayed on the inside of our new wall upon completion.
We are asking you to prayerfully consider purchasing a brick to help us with this goal. The funds received will be held in a separate account and used solely for capital improvements to our church building.
For almost 30 years, Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church has been a home “for all God’s children” to experience inspiring messages, friendly people, bible studies, community work, and a joyful atmosphere in celebration and service to our Lord. Let’s make the next chapter in the life of RMCC be a vibrant and meaningful “home for all God’s children.” Your pledge is critical to this effort.
You may click on the link below to download the order form.
Thank you for your consideration of supporting the mission and ministry of Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church.
Rev. Steph
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