The highest priority in the design and selection of a logo is that it must communicate two things above all else:
1. our Christian spiritual commitment and;
2. our growing global mission.
At the center of the logo is the Eternal Flame.
The flame brings light - a reminder that Jesus is the Light of the World.
The flame brings illumination - a reminder of our spiritual ministry.
The flame is a long-recognized symbol of the Holy Spirit - MCC's source of strength.
The Bible is rich with powerful imagery of the flame. In Jeremiah 20.9, it is a moving symbol of the Word of God. In Daniel 7.9, it represents the rule of God. In Hebrews 1.7, it is a picture of ministry. In Malachi 3.2, it is a picture of Christ. In Exodus 3.2, the flame is a representation of God's abiding presence and in Acts 2.3, it is a sign of the fullness of God's Spirit.
Surrounding the powerful imagery of the flame is a visual representation of the world. The expanding lines of the global graphic element represents MCC's worldwide growth and the change in our international structure.
Just as the flame, so too the world is a powerful biblical image. John 3.16 tells us that "God so loved the world..." and Matthew 2.19-20 commands us to "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel."
Both of these visual elements - the flame and the world - find combined power in the words of Jesus in the Gospel of John 9.5, "I am the Light of the world," and John 3.10, Jesus is the "light that is come into the world."
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