First Friday of Advent
Grab your bible and read Jeremiah 4:1-10
Jeremiah was a young man called by God to be a prophet. At his call, God assured him that God had known him and called him since before he was born. His life was no accident - it was shaped by God for a purpose. We see the same truth at work in all of God’s servants throughout the Scriptures, right up to John the Baptizer. As the old saying goes, when God calls, God also equips.
There is a challenge here for every Christ-follower. As we reflect on our lives, we can see the gifts and abilities that God has built into us, and we can, if we so choose, seek to use them for God’s purposes - as our unique way of speaking God’s message of love and justice.
What are the gifts which you have already offered to God, and how is God using them? What gifts have you still not given to God’s purposes? Are there any ways you can allow your abilities to be used more to speak God’s gracious message in your world? Why not pick one to focus on today?
You know me so well, O God - after all, you formed me and placed within me the unique combination of gifts and traits that make up who I am. Help me now to honor you by using my gifts to speak - in word and action - the gracious, life-giving message of your reign, in whatever small ways I can. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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