Third Tuesday of Advent
Reading: Grab your bible and read Psalm 125
Reflection: This Psalm, taken at face value, is both comforting and difficult. The comfort comes from the reassurances that it offers of God’s protection and care. The difficulty lies in the fact that we don’t always experience those assurances in our own lives. Many people of deep faith do not find themselves to be secure, and we all find ourselves, at least at times, ruled over by those we could consider “wicked”.
But the truth of this Psalm becomes clear when we place it in the context of the Advent season, and of the reality of God’s reign. In this setting, our security is not about outward circumstance, but about our sense of being part of God’s life and God’s purposes, which ensures that, no matter what our circumstances may be, we know the sustenance and care of God. In this setting, we are never ruled over by those who are wicked, because we are really only ruled over by God and by the principles of God’s reign - no matter who our national, corporate or religious leaders may be. Advent is all about recognizing the truth of this Psalms message - that God surrounds us, and cares for us, and is the final authority and frame of reference for our lives. When we say “Jesus is Lord” we are making the revolutionary claim that no one else is Lord, regardless of their status, position or capacity to impact our lives. When we submit to God’s reign, we know true security and liberty!
In what ways are you feeling insecure in your life? How does the message of Christ’s lordship offer you greater security and comfort? In what ways can you share this security with others in your family, your church and your neighborhood?
It’s easy to say the words that acknowledge your authority, but it is when I allow the truth of it to sink into my heart that the power of your reign really makes the difference in my life. When I realize that nothing can separate me from your love, and that it is only your reign that really rules over me, I find a deep security and a comforting reassurance that gives me the strength to face whatever this world may throw at me. So, today I pray that your reign may take hold of me even more, and that I may learn even more to recognize your presence that always surrounds me. Amen.
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